Playlist Curation For Brands

Curated two, 10 hour playlists for Melissa Joy Manning Jewelry Stores in Brooklyn, NY. Melissa’s goal was to create a musical environment in her stores that is “interesting enough that customers notice it but not enough that it's distracting.” She wanted the musical environment of her stores to feel “welcoming, enjoyable, interesting, engaging, informative” and also promote “a sense of discovery.”

Curated a 13 hour in-store playlist for David Webb’s new stores opening in Doha and Riyadh. David Webb wanted a playlist to capture these stores as being an extension of their US presence, embodying their American easy listening from the 60s, 70s, & 80s.

Queue Tips

A passion project of mine to create, share, and promote playlists and music recs in a fun way.

Marketing Projects:


A21 Global Freedom Summit 2020 Promo

Branding concepts, key messaging, taglines, social copy, web copy, and email copy for our brand new event this year.

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Gathered and drafted a collection of global highlights, wins, and stories of freedom in the fight against human trafficking for A21’s Annual Report for 2017, 2018, & 2019.

A21 Freedom Report 2019

Record Engagement on World Day Against Trafficking 2020


Graphic and messaging concept generated a total reach of over a million people and almost 70,000 likes with @A21 and @ChristineCaine’s channels combined.


A Response to Speculations in 2020

2020 was a rollercoaster on many levels - including what made headlines and what went viral on social media. This involved certain accusations and suspicions of human trafficking. Our response was addressing the reality that human trafficking does exist on a level that qualifies it as a global crisis—and giving people tangible ways to do something about it. I came up with this slideshow to give people focused ways they could channel their awareness into immediate action. This post had record-high engagement, shares, and likes.


Multi-Channel Content

This graphic & messaging concept was also used on Christine Caine’s channels, generating a record response of shares, engagement, and likes.


Propel Women

Created new brand messaging for re-brand of @PropelWomen &, a women’s leadership development organization.

Created branding guides of core messaging for the re-brand to help define who the Propel Woman is, our audience, and guide future content creation & marketing.

Created branding guides of core messaging for the re-brand to help define who the Propel Woman is, our audience, and guide future content creation & marketing.

Propel Women Event Messaging

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Propel Events 2019

Created general messaging and social promo messaging & copy for Propel Activate 2019 and all Propel events.


Women on the Move

More event branding messaging & social post copy.

Currently listening to…


Articles & Blogs


Breakaway Ministries & The Church App

Reaching Millennials Through Technology

This blog featured one of our college ministry clients at Subsplash, showcasing how they used our app platform in a way to reach more young people for the Gospel.

Your Media Is More Popular Than You Think

Delivering Effective Media for Max Impact

A blog on the relevance of delivering media via an effective digital platform in order to build audience engagement.

The Mobile Revolution and the Church

Technology & the Church

This article addresses the digital reality we all live in, intersecting a cultural reality with ministry opportunity.